Wilmington Yoga
(910) 350-0234

5329 Oleander Drive
Suite 200
Wilmington, NC 28403

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Pose of the Week: Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

Chakrasana (wheel pose) pronounced shah-krah-sa-na, also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose) pronounced oord-vah don-your-ahs-anna,  is an intermediate backbend offering many benefits.  Chakrasana comes from the word Cakra meaning wheel.  Urdhva Dhanurasana comes from the words urdhva meaning upward and dhanu meaning bow.  These asana names are used interchangeably.

Wheel pose is a great pose to counteract the spine compression that occurs as we age. It helps strengthen and lengthen the vertebrae.  Research has shown that this pose can be helpful in countering the symptoms of asthma.  In addition to these benefits, Chakrasana can:

1. Open and stretches the chest and lungs;

2. Improve respiration;

3. Aid the nervous system;

4. Loosen tight hips and increase hip flexibility;

5. Counteract depression and anxiety because the thyroid and pituitary glands are stimulated in this pose;

6. Delay the onset of osteoporosis;

7. Strengthens the arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen and spine; and

8. Relieve some types of lower back pain

While there are numerous benefits of Wheel Pose, there are certain contraindications. Yogis experiencing back injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, diarrhea, headaches, heart problems, high or low blood pressure and shoulder impingements should avoid this posture.

How to Perform Wheel Pose:

1. Lie on the back on the floor.  Bend the knees and place feet flat on the floor.  Keep the heels as close to the sitting bones as possible.

2. Bend the elbows and spread palms on the floor beside the head, keeping forearms relatively perpendicular to the floor and fingers pointing toward the shoulders.

3. While pressing the inner feet actively into the floor, exhale and push the tailbone up toward the pubis, firming (but not hardening) the buttocks.  Lift the buttocks off the floor. Keep the thighs and inner feet parallel.

4. Remain for 2 or 3 breaths. Then firmly press the inner hands into the floor and shoulder blades against the back and lift up onto the crown of the head. Keep the arms parallel.

5. Take 2 or 3 breaths, then press the feet and hands into the floor, tailbone and shoulder blades against the back- and on an exhalation-  lift the head off the floor and straighten the arms.

6. Turn the upper thighs slightly inward and firm the outer thighs. Narrow the hip points and lengthen the tailbone toward the backs of the knees, lifting the pubis toward the navel.

7. Turn the upper arms outward, keeping the weight on the bases of the index fingers. Spread the shoulder blades across the back and let the head hang, or lift it slightly to look down at the floor.

8. Stay in the pose anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds or more, breathing easily.

Wheel pose should be held from one to three minutes, gradually increasing the time with repeated practice.

Repeat anywhere from 3 to 10 times.

To come out of the pose, slowly begin to bend the arms and legs, tuck the chin towards the chest, and lower the spine to the earth.

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