At Wilmington Yoga Center, we know that the holiday season is a stressful time for many. In today’s post, we’ll explain four easy ways that you can alleviate the stress that almost inevitably arises this time of year.
If you’re interested in taking up yoga as the new year kicks off, then come to Wilmington Yoga Center to try 30 days of yoga classes for just $30! Whether you’re a novice or an experienced practitioner, we have classes and instructors who will help you reach your full potential. Call 910-350-0234 today to learn more!
Stress Reduction Tips for the Holiday Season
Take Up Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is a highly effective way to relieve stress and promote feelings of well-being. There are a number of different meditation practices and techniques you could take up, but we recommend starting by closing your eyes and focusing on the sensation of breathing if you have never meditated before. You can start with short, 10- or 20-minute sessions to begin with, and then increase the length of your sessions as you progress.
Whether or not you choose to combine meditation with yoga classes, you’ll find that you feel calmer and more centered once a session comes to an end. Be sure to read one of our previous posts for easy ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine!
Plan Ahead 
Schedules tend to become packed this time of year, leaving many people wondering how they’ll accomplish everything on their to-do list. Instead of trying to work as much as you can into a single day, use a planner to methodically lay out everything that you need to accomplish. When you’re able to look ahead, you’ll have a better idea of how long you can spend on each task, and you’ll also be reminded of any important deadlines and upcoming holiday parties.
Focus on the Big Picture
Whenever you begin to feel tense or strained during the holiday season, remember that this time of year is meant to be happy and filled with warm feelings. Whether you have a religious tradition that you celebrate every year, or you’re simply looking forward to spending quality time with your friends and family, taking a moment to focus on the meaning of the season can often help you feel less tense and pressured.
Try Yoga Classes
Numerous studies have shown that yoga is one of the best ways you can improve both your mental and physical health at the same time. At Wilmington Yoga Center, we strive to create a welcoming and comfortable environment in which you can learn to stretch, breathe, and challenge yourself to perform new movements. We offer yoga classes that incorporate mindfulness meditation and various breathing techniques, and we even offer hot yoga for those who are looking for something more challenging. No matter which classes you decide to attend, we know that you’ll love how you feel when you leave the studio.
Would you like to try 30 days of yoga for just $30? Fill out the form below or come by our Wilmington yoga studio to learn more! We look forward to seeing you soon.
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